
Navigating Complex Claims: The Role of Expert Consultants in Insurance Litigation

In the intricate landscape of insurance litigation, expert consultants stand as pivotal figures. Their role transcends mere advisory, embodying the bridge between policy intricacies and the technical construction aspects of insurance claims repairs. At All Claims Consulting, our unique approach as insurance umpires and appraisers sets us apart. Leveraging our extensive background as a licensed general contractor, we bring a practical, hands-on perspective to complex insurance cases, particularly in litigation scenarios.

Consultants bring technical expertise to the table. In cases involving specialized claims such as fire, water, or mold damage, their technical know-how is invaluable. They can effectively assess the extent and cause of damage, which is essential for accurate claim valuations. This expertise not only strengthens the case but also helps in expediting the litigation process by providing clear, expert-backed assessments.

In a recent complex insurance claim, a consultant from All Claims played a crucial role in bridging the divide between a plaintiff attorney and a defense attorney. The case involved a high-value commercial property damage claim following a severe fire in Florida.

We were hired by the owner’s representative to prepare an estimate for the large commercial fire. The insurance carrier hired a construction expert, but this expert was not local and was not active in the restoration field. While he had a GC license, he had not been active in the building trades for years.

The loss involved extensive structural damage to a commercial shopping center. The carrier’s experts worked closely with us and we exchanged information freely in order to arrive at a repair estimate for the property. The carrier’s expert arrived at an initial value of the damages less than $1 million. When this information was shared with us, we had a discussion on the local cost of repairs and what would be needed to rebuild the bar joist roof system and materials needed to replace the existing roof decking which was no longer in production. Once we were able to exchange our estimate and details of the suggested repairs, the carrier’s expert revised their estimate closer to the actual cost of repairs required.  The final estimate came close to the $3 million amount needed to restore the property. This was all accomplished without litigation. This allowed both sides to resolve the complex claim, without litigation costs, saving a great deal of time and getting the correct settlement to the property owners to start the repairs.

Ultimately, the consultant's intervention led to a revised settlement offer that was closer to the plaintiff's expectations but still within the bounds of what the insurance company considered reasonable. This case exemplifies the invaluable role of expert consultants in facilitating equitable resolutions in complex insurance claims, ensuring fairness for all parties involved.

When it comes to insurance litigation it is not uncommon for attorneys on both sides to hire experts to support their cases.  However, hiring construction experts that merely prepare estimates without having construction experience does not serve either side well. Many of these experts write estimates that they believe their client wants to see. It is common for the estimates to be either very high on the property owners’ side, or under estimated on the carrier side. Unfortunately, this creates wide disparity in estimates and can delay settlement and run up legal fees. This does not benefit either side. Hiring a licensed construction expert that is actually running an active restoration repairs business to prepare a realistic estimate for the cost of the repairs will get both sides closer to a realistic settlement quicker, thus cutting down legal fees and lengthy delays.

Our consultants' profound construction experience enables us to evaluate claims with unparalleled depth. We don't just assess damages; we approach each estimate and appraisal with the mindset of conducting the repair work ourselves. This approach ensures our assessments are grounded in reality, reflecting a fair and balanced viewpoint that benefits both parties in a dispute.

Our role as insurance umpires and appraisers is pivotal in achieving equitable resolutions. We understand the construction intricacies and costs involved, allowing us to mediate disputes effectively. Our expertise not only aids in resolving claims more efficiently but also builds trust, as we aim for fair outcomes for all involved.

Our construction experience as licensed general contractors enhance our capability as insurance consultants. We don’t just prepare meaningless estimates; we provide practical, equitable solutions in insurance disputes. At All Claims, we add value at each step of the insurance claims process. If you find yourself with questions or would like to discuss any aspect of the insurance appraisal dispute process, reach out to Tony Allogia at


All Claims Repairs

All Claims has restored thousands of properties throughout Florida after damage due to fire, water, mold, mildew and other causes.

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